
pg电子官方网站光通信与泰国CAE ASIA LIMITED签定代理协议
       2016年11月3日,四川pg电子官方网站光通信有限公司与泰国CAE ASIA LIMITED代理协议签约仪式在pg电子官方网站光通信隆重举行,pg电子官方网站光通信副总经理余晓葵与CAE ASIA总经理Kitipat就pg电子官方网站光通信的气吹系列产品在泰国市场的开拓方面达成多项一致方案,并分别代表两家公司签订合作协议。双方同意,pg电子官方网站光通信授予CAE代理权,在泰国全面推广并销售气吹系列产品。pg电子官方网站光通信也将在技术、服务等各方面全力支持CAE,达到互赢互利的目的。
       pg电子官方网站光通信的气吹微缆在国内已是知名品牌,是国内首家开发出气吹微缆的厂商,同时也是国内唯一能够生产气吹FU及Super Mini的厂商,拥有多项自主专利,产品远销世界多个国家和地区。公司几年前还成立了微缆工程部并取得相关资质,是国内首家同时能提供高品质微缆且拥有施工资质的企业。此次签约达成将进一步推广四川pg电子官方网站光通信有限公司的气吹微缆等一系列产品,提高知名度,并在泰国市场取得领先优势,成为首个进入泰国市场的中国气吹微缆生产商,为公司的进一步发展和业绩提升带来强劲动力。

Sichuan Huiyuan Optical Communications Co., Ltd and CAE ASIA LIMITED held distributorship agreement signing ceremony at Sichuan Huiyuan on Nov 3 2016. Mr Yu, Vice General Manger of Sichuan Huiyuan, and Mr Kitipat, CEO of CAE ASIA, signed the agreement of distributing HYOC’s air blown cables in Thailand market on behalf of each party. Both parties agreed, HYOC authorized distributorship to CAE ASIA and the latter will promote and sell air blown products in Thailand on behalf of HYOC. HYOC shall provide all needed techniques, services and fully support CAE for mutual benefits.
HYOC AIR BLOWN CABLES is a famous brand in China and the first manufacturer of air blown cables. So far, HYOC is the only manufacturer of FU and super mini cables in China, and owns many patents. HYOC cables have been sold and are still exporting to many countries and regions worldwide. Currently, HYOC also is a certified enterprise of EPC to install microcables.
The signing of this agreement will further promote HYOC’s air blown cables and its well-knownness, and will push HYOC as the first Chinese supplier of air blown cables in Thailand.